Entrée en lice
Il s'agit de l'équipe qui prend le relais d'Henri DEGLANE pour le petit club qu'il avait créé à La Turbie. Ceci permettra à Henri de prendre la direction du Lutte Club de Nice où il se révèlera comme un président de premier ordre. Bravo HENRI Christian Joly

Henri Deglane's autobiography?
Back in 1937 the biggest Bulgarian sports newspaper published a series of 18 articles called "From the shepherd's crook - to the world ring. The autobiography of Henri Deglane, or the turbulent life and the career of a world champion".
It's kind of similar to the Paul Pons autobiography that I mentioned recently. It's basically a collection of memories and stories as told by Deglane himself. The mystery to me, however, is where was it originally published? I've been trying to figure this one out for a while, but sadly I've had no luck so far. Does anyone know? The Bulgarian paper does not mention the original source. My best guess would be that it was published as a series of articles in a French newspaper. I know this particular Bulgarian paper took a lot of their stuff from "L'Auto" so perhaps that was the original source? Sadly, "L'Auto" is not available online for me to check this theory. Also, while published in Bulgaria in 1937, the stories in the autobiography stop at around the end of 1934 so I would assume the whole thing was first published in either late 1934 or early 1935.
Anyway, I'm just curious as to the origin of this autobiography. That's all. I've mentioned bits and pieces of it before elsewhere, but I'm going through it again right now and collecting notes. Watch this space as I'll soon be posting the most interesting notes from it