Dan Kolov old pin badge
One of my main areas of research is the "The Balkan Lion", "King Kong" Dan Koloff. I've been researching him, on and off, for over 8 years now. Over the course of that time I've collected a ton of photos of him. And so, I thought I would share some photos here. Just some random photos that l like. First up, a photo of Koloff at the beginning of his pro career (the photo is most likely circa 1917-1919). Check out that bicep! I'm posting the rest of the photos below in the comments of this post.
Un de mes principaux domaines de recherche est le "Le Balkan Lion", "King Kong" Dan Koloff. J' ai fait des recherches sur lui, on and off, depuis plus de 8 ans maintenant. Au cours de cette période, j'ai recueilli une tonne de photos de lui. Et donc, je pensais que j'allais partager quelques photos ici. Juste quelques photos au hasard que l aime. D' abord, une photo de koloff au début de sa carrière pro (la photo est probablement vers 1917-1919). Vérifiez que biceps ! Je suis en train de poster le reste des photos ci-dessous dans les commentaires de ce post.
Dan Koloff and World champ Gus Sonnenberg training (1929). Koloff managed and mentored Sonnenberg for a while in the late 1920s.Dan Koloff et champion du monde gus sonnenberg formation (1929). Koloff géré et mentored sonnenberg pendant un certain temps à la fin des années 1920
August 28, 1938. Varna, Bulgaria. Georgi Petroff (left) versus Todor Bankoff (a.k.a. Mehmet Arif). I wasn't aware of this match until the other day when I randomly found this photo online. Yesterday I hit the local library to find newspaper reports about the show. According to the local Varna press more than 10,000 fans attended this show!
Whether this number is true or not I don't know, but I love having an estimate on the attendance. When doing research there's very few things that annoy me more than a report saying "the show was attended by a big crowd". Don't just tell me that it was big, give me an estimate!! During the course of my research on pro wrestling in Bulgaria I have found a lot of "the show was attended by a big crowd" reports and so finding an estimate about this show has me very excited.
Dan Koloff and World champ Gus Sonnenberg training (1929). Koloff managed and mentored Sonnenberg for a while in the late 1920s.Dan Koloff et champion du monde gus sonnenberg formation (1929). Koloff géré et mentored sonnenberg pendant un certain temps à la fin des années 1920
Dan Koloff (front) wrestling Charles Rigoulot (an Olympic gold medalist in weightlifting) in Paris, France in 1934. Rigoulot's 4th pro wrestling match and his first defeat. 18,000 sold out. Paris attendance record for pro wrestling as well as probably the biggest gate up to that point too.Dan Koloff (devant) lutte Charles Rigoulot (une médaillée d'or olympique en haltérophilie) à Paris, en France, en 1934., le 4 e rigoulot pro match de lutte et sa première défaite. 18,000 vendu. Paris record de fréquentation de lutte professionnelle ainsi que probablement le plus gros porte jusqu'à ce moment-là aussi.
From 1936 in Paris. From left to right: Frank Judson (US wrestler), Raoul Paoli (Paris promoter), Dan Koloff (one of the top stars in France at the time), Rigoulot's administrative assistant (I think) and Henry Stoeff (another Bulgarian wrestler).De 1936 à Paris. De gauche à droite : Frank Judson (US LUTTEUR), Raoul Paoli (Paris promoteur), Dan Koloff (l'une des stars les plus populaires en France à l'époque), Rigoulot est adjointe administrative (je pense) et Henry Stoeff (un autre lutteur bulgare).
1935. Koloff returns to his native Bulgaria for the first time since he left 30 years ago. Several thousand people show up to see his arrival. On his right is his friend Henry Stoeff.1935. Koloff retourne dans son pays natal, la Bulgarie, pour la première fois depuis qu'il a quitté il y a 30 ans. Plusieurs milliers de personnes se montrer pour voir son arrivée. À sa droite est son ami Henry Stoeff.
A very rare photo showing the three top Bulgarian stars of the 1930s all in the same photo. From left to right: Peter Ferestanoff, Dan Koloff, Henry Stoeff. Those were the three main names that made pro wrestling the hottest sport in Bulgaria for a while (Koloff more so than the other two).Une très rare photo montrant les trois étoiles bulgare des années 1930, tous dans la même photo. De gauche à droite : Peter Ferestanoff, dan koloff, Henry Stoeff. C' était les trois grands noms qui ont fait de lutte professionnelle la plus chaude du sport en Bulgarie pour un certain temps (Koloff plus que les deux autres
Dan Koloff training with two opponents at the same time. France, 1936.Dan koloff formation avec deux adversaires en même temps. France, 1936.
Dan Koloff (right) vs. Peter Ferestanoff in Sofia, Bulgaria. 1935. The biggest Bulgarian pro wrestling match of all time. 30,000 in attendance, Bulgarian sports attendance and gate record.Dan Koloff (à droite) vs. Peter Ferestanoff à Sofia, Bulgarie. 1935. La plus grande bulgare pro match de lutte de tous les temps. 30,000 personnes présentes, Bulgare Sports l'assiduité et gate record.
Dan Koloff slamming Regis Siki in Sofia, Bulgaria. 1935. 20,000+ in attendance.Dan Koloff Slammin'Regis Siki à Sofia, Bulgarie. 1935. 20,000 + présents.
Dan Koloff (left) vs. Frank Bronowicz in Sofia, Bulgaria. 1936. 15,000+ in attendance.Dan Koloff (à gauche) vs. Frank Bronowicz à Sofia, Bulgarie. 1936. 15,000 + présents.
From the same Koloff/Bronowicz match as above. Bronowicz with a sleeper on Koloff.De la même koloff / bronowicz match comme ci-dessus. Bronowicz avec un dormeur sur koloff.
Dan Koloff vs. Al Pereira in Sofia, Bulgaria. 1937. 20,000+ in attendance.Dan koloff vs. Al Pereira à Sofia, Bulgarie. 1937. 20,000 + présents.
More Koloff/Pereira.Plus Koloff / Pereira.
Koloff/Pereira again.Koloff / Pereira à nouveau
A book on him would be a great read!Un livre sur lui serait une grande lire !
He was indeed pretty legit, Mark. Definitely a shooter. As well as a strongman. There have been 8 or 9 Bulgarian books about Koloff over the years, but obviously those are in Bulgarian and wouldn't be of much use to you. As for the movie, yes, I've see...Il a en effet plutôt réglo, Mark. Sans aucun doute un tireur. Ainsi qu'un homme fort. Il y a eu 8 ou 9 livres sur bulgare koloff au fil des ans, mais il est évident que ceux qui sont en bulgare et ne serait pas à grand chose pour vous. Comme pour le film, oui, je l'ai vu. Il y a des trucs à l'biographique, mais la plupart d'entre elle est une fiction, si je me souviens bien. Et il y a des trucs à l'intérieur c'est un peu ridicule. Par exemple, il y a une scène qui vient à l'esprit où koloff et londos se rencontrent a un hôtel à Paris, d'échanger quelques mots hostile et ensuite ils commencent de lutte les uns les autres sur l'hôtel-de-chaussée. Ha ! Regarde ça, c'est en anglais. À partir de 6:30.
Bonus photo that I meant to post but forgot. 1936, Sofia, Bulgaria. Dan Koloff hanging out with Hans Albers (the biggest German movie star of the 1930s).Bonus photo que je voulais post, mais j'ai oublié. 1936, Sofia, Bulgarie. Dan koloff traîner avec Hans Albers (la plus grande star du cinéma allemand des années 1930).
Merci à Phil Lions
Whether this number is true or not I don't know, but I love having an estimate on the attendance. When doing research there's very few things that annoy me more than a report saying "the show was attended by a big crowd". Don't just tell me that it was big, give me an estimate!! During the course of my research on pro wrestling in Bulgaria I have found a lot of "the show was attended by a big crowd" reports and so finding an estimate about this show has me very excited.
Le 28 août 1938., Varna (Bulgarie) Georgi Petroff (à gauche) Versus Todor Bankoff (alias Mehmet Arif). Je n'étais pas au courant de ce match jusqu'à ce que l'autre jour quand j'ai trouvé au hasard de cette photo en ligne. Hier, j'ai frappé la bibliothèque locale pour trouver les articles de journaux sur la série. Selon la presse locale de varna, plus de 10,000 spectateurs ont assisté à ce spectacle !
Si ce nombre est vrai ou pas, je ne sais pas, mais j'aime avoir une estimation sur la participation. J'ai fait des recherches il y a très peu de choses qui m'énerver plus qu'un rapport en disant "le spectacle a été suivi par une grande foule". Ne fais pas juste me dire qu'il était grand, donne-moi une estimation !! Au cours de mes recherches sur le catch en Bulgarie, j'ai trouvé beaucoup de "L' émission a été suivi par une grande foule" rapports et donc trouver une estimation sur ce spectacle m'a beaucoup excitée
Si ce nombre est vrai ou pas, je ne sais pas, mais j'aime avoir une estimation sur la participation. J'ai fait des recherches il y a très peu de choses qui m'énerver plus qu'un rapport en disant "le spectacle a été suivi par une grande foule". Ne fais pas juste me dire qu'il était grand, donne-moi une estimation !! Au cours de mes recherches sur le catch en Bulgarie, j'ai trouvé beaucoup de "L' émission a été suivi par une grande foule" rapports et donc trouver une estimation sur ce spectacle m'a beaucoup excitée
August 28, 1938. Varna, Bulgaria. Georgi Petroff (left) versus Todor Bankoff (a.k.a. Mehmet Arif). I wasn't aware of this match until the other day when I randomly found this photo online. Yesterday I hit the local library to find newspaper reports about the show. According to the local Varna press more than 10,000 fans attended this show!
Whether this number is true or not I don't know, but I love having an estimate on the attendance. When doing research there's very few things that annoy me more than a report saying "the show was attended by a big crowd". Don't just tell me that it was big, give me an estimate!! During the course of my research on pro wrestling in Bulgaria I have found a lot of "the show was attended by a big crowd" reports and so finding an estimate about this show has me very excited.
I need help identifying the Greco-Roman wrestlers in this photo.
I have posted this photo before in a different group, but I thought I would give it a shot here too. The photo comes from two different Bulgarian Nicolai Petroff books. In one of the books the photo is listed as "Petroff's wrestlers". This is not said specifically but it is suggested that the photo is from 1921-1924 in Bulgaria when Petroff was bringing foreign wrestlers to Bulgaria and using local talent as well. But that could be wrong and the photo might be from somewhere else in Europe. I don't know. Do you guys recognize any of the wrestlers in the photo?
The only person I recognize in the photo is Nicolai Petroff (last guy on the right). The guy with the crossed arms in the middle looks like Hans Schwarz Sr., but I'm not sure if it's him. The left black wrestler also looks kinda familiar, but I can't recall where I've seen him or who he is.
Sorry about the low quality photo. That's how it is in the books.
Whether this number is true or not I don't know, but I love having an estimate on the attendance. When doing research there's very few things that annoy me more than a report saying "the show was attended by a big crowd". Don't just tell me that it was big, give me an estimate!! During the course of my research on pro wrestling in Bulgaria I have found a lot of "the show was attended by a big crowd" reports and so finding an estimate about this show has me very excited.
Le 28 août 1938., Varna (Bulgarie) Georgi Petroff (à gauche) Versus Todor Bankoff (alias Mehmet Arif). Je n'étais pas au courant de ce match jusqu'à ce que l'autre jour quand j'ai trouvé au hasard de cette photo en ligne. Hier, j'ai frappé la bibliothèque locale pour trouver les articles de journaux sur la série. Selon la presse locale de varna, plus de 10,000 spectateurs ont assisté à ce spectacle !
Si ce nombre est vrai ou pas, je ne sais pas, mais j'aime avoir une estimation sur la participation. J'ai fait des recherches il y a très peu de choses qui m'énerver plus qu'un rapport en disant "le spectacle a été suivi par une grande foule". Ne fais pas juste me dire qu'il était grand, donne-moi une estimation !! Au cours de mes recherches sur le catch en Bulgarie, j'ai trouvé beaucoup de "L' émission a été suivi par une grande foule" rapports et donc trouver une estimation sur ce spectacle m'a beaucoup excitée
Si ce nombre est vrai ou pas, je ne sais pas, mais j'aime avoir une estimation sur la participation. J'ai fait des recherches il y a très peu de choses qui m'énerver plus qu'un rapport en disant "le spectacle a été suivi par une grande foule". Ne fais pas juste me dire qu'il était grand, donne-moi une estimation !! Au cours de mes recherches sur le catch en Bulgarie, j'ai trouvé beaucoup de "L' émission a été suivi par une grande foule" rapports et donc trouver une estimation sur ce spectacle m'a beaucoup excitée
I need help identifying the Greco-Roman wrestlers in this photo.
I have posted this photo before in a different group, but I thought I would give it a shot here too. The photo comes from two different Bulgarian Nicolai Petroff books. In one of the books the photo is listed as "Petroff's wrestlers". This is not said specifically but it is suggested that the photo is from 1921-1924 in Bulgaria when Petroff was bringing foreign wrestlers to Bulgaria and using local talent as well. But that could be wrong and the photo might be from somewhere else in Europe. I don't know. Do you guys recognize any of the wrestlers in the photo?
The only person I recognize in the photo is Nicolai Petroff (last guy on the right). The guy with the crossed arms in the middle looks like Hans Schwarz Sr., but I'm not sure if it's him. The left black wrestler also looks kinda familiar, but I can't recall where I've seen him or who he is.
Sorry about the low quality photo. That's how it is in the books.
J'ai besoin d'aide pour l'identification de la lutte gréco-Romaine les lutteurs dans cette photo.
J'ai posté cette photo avant que dans un autre groupe, mais j'ai pensé que je pourrais lui donner un coup de feu ici aussi. La photo provient de deux différentes bulgare nicolai petroff des livres. Dans l'un des livres sur la photo est listé comme "Petroff est lutteurs". Ce n'est pas dit précisément, mais il est suggéré que la photo est de 1921-1924 en Bulgarie quand petroff apportais lutteurs étrangers en Bulgarie et en utilisant des talents locaux aussi. Mais que peut-être tort et la photo serait peut-être d'ailleurs en Europe. Je ne sais pas. Est-ce que vous avez reconnaît aucun des lutteurs dans la photo ?
La seule personne que je reconnais sur la photo est nicolai petroff (dernier gars sur la droite). Le gars avec le bras croisé dans le milieu on dirait Hans Schwarz Sr., Mais je ne suis pas sûr si c'est lui. La gauche noir lutteur aussi a l'air familier, mais je ne peux pas me rappeler où je l'ai vu ou qui il est.
Désolé pour la mauvaise qualité photo. C'est comme ça que c'est dans les livres.
J'ai posté cette photo avant que dans un autre groupe, mais j'ai pensé que je pourrais lui donner un coup de feu ici aussi. La photo provient de deux différentes bulgare nicolai petroff des livres. Dans l'un des livres sur la photo est listé comme "Petroff est lutteurs". Ce n'est pas dit précisément, mais il est suggéré que la photo est de 1921-1924 en Bulgarie quand petroff apportais lutteurs étrangers en Bulgarie et en utilisant des talents locaux aussi. Mais que peut-être tort et la photo serait peut-être d'ailleurs en Europe. Je ne sais pas. Est-ce que vous avez reconnaît aucun des lutteurs dans la photo ?
La seule personne que je reconnais sur la photo est nicolai petroff (dernier gars sur la droite). Le gars avec le bras croisé dans le milieu on dirait Hans Schwarz Sr., Mais je ne suis pas sûr si c'est lui. La gauche noir lutteur aussi a l'air familier, mais je ne peux pas me rappeler où je l'ai vu ou qui il est.
Désolé pour la mauvaise qualité photo. C'est comme ça que c'est dans les livres.
The Balkan Lion" Dan Petroff (a.k.a. Dan Koloff) versus Jack Johnson (a former boxing World Heavyweight champion) in a wrestling match in Tijuana, Mexico. The date is June 13, 1920. Unfortunately, I don't have the result of the match.
"le lion" Des Balkans Dan Petroff (alias dan koloff) contre Jack Johnson (un ancien champion du monde poids lourds de boxe) dans un match de catch à Tijuana, Mexique. La date est le 13 juin 1920. Malheureusement, je n'ai pas le résultat du match.
Deglane vs. Koloff IV
Il y avait trois gros Henri Deglane vs. "King Kong" Dan koloff correspond à Paris et à ceux qui ont déjà été expliquées ailleurs (le score est de 2:1 victoires en faveur de koloff), Mais il y avait un quatrième match aussi - mais pas à Paris. Je ne crois pas que ça a été mentionné nulle part avant.
Le 10 mai 1937
Bordeaux, France
1. Emile Pouveroux Drew Sandor Nemeth (20 minutes)
2. Bonnie Muir Drew Louis Loew (20 minutes)
3. Manuel Fullaondo Beat Mark Pasman (10 minutes)
4. Charles Rigoulot Beat Mehmet Arif (16 minutes)
5. Henri Deglane Beat Dan Koloff (2:1 tombe) - koloff a remporté le 1 er chute dans 36 minutes, et deglane a gagné les deux autres en 9 et en 6 minutes.
C'est possible, s'il y a eu plus de matchs entre les deux en France, mais les résultats pour les spectacles en dehors de Paris dans les années 1930 sont difficiles à trouver.
Paris résultats 1933-1939 :
Il y avait trois gros Henri Deglane vs. "King Kong" Dan koloff correspond à Paris et à ceux qui ont déjà été expliquées ailleurs (le score est de 2:1 victoires en faveur de koloff), Mais il y avait un quatrième match aussi - mais pas à Paris. Je ne crois pas que ça a été mentionné nulle part avant.
Le 10 mai 1937
Bordeaux, France
1. Emile Pouveroux Drew Sandor Nemeth (20 minutes)
2. Bonnie Muir Drew Louis Loew (20 minutes)
3. Manuel Fullaondo Beat Mark Pasman (10 minutes)
4. Charles Rigoulot Beat Mehmet Arif (16 minutes)
5. Henri Deglane Beat Dan Koloff (2:1 tombe) - koloff a remporté le 1 er chute dans 36 minutes, et deglane a gagné les deux autres en 9 et en 6 minutes.
C'est possible, s'il y a eu plus de matchs entre les deux en France, mais les résultats pour les spectacles en dehors de Paris dans les années 1930 sont difficiles à trouver.
Paris résultats 1933-1939 :
Phil LionsHere's something you almost never see. The Canadian press reporting on a match in Bulgaria! The match was on September 19, 1937. This report by "The Lethbridge Herald" is from October 19.
P.S. Locally, the match was billed as an European Heavyweight title defense and thus Dan Koloff was announced as the new champion, but later on the French promotion (to whom the title belonged) didn't recognize the bout as a title defense and therefore Al Pereira remained the official champion. Not for long though. Koloff beat him for the title in Paris on November 15.
Voilà quelque chose que tu ne voit presque jamais. La Presse canadienne des rapports sur un match en Bulgarie ! Le match a été le 19 septembre 1937. Ce rapport par "Le Lethbridge Herald" C'est à partir d'octobre 19.
P.S. Localement, le match a été annoncé comme une défense au titre de champion européen et donc dan koloff a été annoncé comme le nouveau champion, mais plus tard, sur la promotion du Français (à qui appartenait le titre) n'a pas reconnu le combat comme un titre et, par conséquent, de la défense d'Al Pereira Reste le champion officiel. Pas pour longtemps. Koloff le battre pour le titre à Paris le 15. Novembre
P.S. Localement, le match a été annoncé comme une défense au titre de champion européen et donc dan koloff a été annoncé comme le nouveau champion, mais plus tard, sur la promotion du Français (à qui appartenait le titre) n'a pas reconnu le combat comme un titre et, par conséquent, de la défense d'Al Pereira Reste le champion officiel. Pas pour longtemps. Koloff le battre pour le titre à Paris le 15. Novembre
Phil Lions August 10th, 1935
Phil Lions August 10th, 1935
Zurich, Switzerland
Sporthalle Albisgüstli
Greco-Roman tournament Final: Peter Ferestanoff defeated Herbert Leuschke in 63 minutes to win the tournament.
Two photos from the match. Leuschke is the bigger guy in the singlet.
Source of the photos: not sure where they got them from exactly, but I got them from the most popular Bulgarian newspaper back in those days - "Utro" (which means "Morning" in English).

Henri Deglane's autobiography?
Back in 1937 the biggest Bulgarian sports newspaper published a series of 18 articles called "From the shepherd's crook - to the world ring. The autobiography of Henri Deglane, or the turbulent life and the career of a world champion".
It's kind of similar to the Paul Pons autobiography that I mentioned recently. It's basically a collection of memories and stories as told by Deglane himself. The mystery to me, however, is where was it originally published? I've been trying to figure this one out for a while, but sadly I've had no luck so far. Does anyone know? The Bulgarian paper does not mention the original source. My best guess would be that it was published as a series of articles in a French newspaper. I know this particular Bulgarian paper took a lot of their stuff from "L'Auto" so perhaps that was the original source? Sadly, "L'Auto" is not available online for me to check this theory. Also, while published in Bulgaria in 1937, the stories in the autobiography stop at around the end of 1934 so I would assume the whole thing was first published in either late 1934 or early 1935.
Anyway, I'm just curious as to the origin of this autobiography. That's all. I've mentioned bits and pieces of it before elsewhere, but I'm going through it again right now and collecting notes. Watch this space as I'll soon be posting the most interesting notes from it
I'm finally starting to put together my Dan Koloff match database, i.e. I'm going through my 100+ pages of notes on his career, taking all the match results and compiling a database just with those results. I literally just started doing this today so this is still in a very early stage, but according to my preliminary estimate these were the... guys Koloff faced the most times during his 21-year in-ring career in pro wrestling:
= 16 matches - Jim Londos
= 15 matches - Gus Sonnenberg
= 12 matches - Henri Deglane
= 10 matches - Joe Stecher, Wladek Zbyszko and Renato Gardini
= 8 matches - Ed Lewis, Ed Don George and Frank Judson
= 6 matches - Ad Santel and Jack Taylor
= 5 matches - Joe Malcewicz, Rudy Dusek, Marin Plestina, Hans Steinke, Nick Daviscourt and Stanley Stasiak
Not that's a pretty damn good list of regular opponents, if I can say so myself.
P.S. This is all based on my Koloff records. My records are by no means complete, nor can they ever
Source of the photos: not sure where they got them from exactly, but I got them from the most popular Bulgarian newspaper back in those days - "Utro" (which means "Morning" in English).
Le 10 août, 1935
Zurich, Suisse
Gymnase Albisgüstli
Tournoi de lutte gréco-Romaine : Peter final ferestanoff vaincu Herbert Leuschke dans 63 minutes pour gagner le tournoi.
Deux photos du match. Leuschke est le plus grand type dans le maillot de corps.
Source des photos : vous ne savez pas par où ils les ont eus exactement, mais je les ai récupéré le journal bulgare la plus populaire à l'époque - " Utros " (ce qui veut dire " bonjour " en anglais).
Zurich, Suisse
Gymnase Albisgüstli
Tournoi de lutte gréco-Romaine : Peter final ferestanoff vaincu Herbert Leuschke dans 63 minutes pour gagner le tournoi.
Deux photos du match. Leuschke est le plus grand type dans le maillot de corps.
Source des photos : vous ne savez pas par où ils les ont eus exactement, mais je les ai récupéré le journal bulgare la plus populaire à l'époque - " Utros " (ce qui veut dire " bonjour " en anglais).
Some results from Toulouse, France, that I just collected.
After U.S./catch style pro wrestling exploded in popularity in Paris in the 1930s eventually spot shows with the Paris wrestlers began taking place throughout France (and outside of France in countries like Belgium, Switzerland and even Spain at one point). Toulouse was one of those spot towns. Here's a list of all the Toulouse cards I've been able to find. It's possible there may have been others during this time period.
The headline match is listed first in the results. Where available, I've included quotes by the local press commenting on the attendance. With a few matches you'll notice that wrestlers won them on points - the rules of the pro matches in France were such that once a match went to a time limit draw without a winner it then could be decided via points.
February 22, 1934
Theatre des Nouveautes
"well-packed house"
Manuel Fullaondo beat Francois Berthod (16)
Stan Karolyi drew Emile Pouveroux (30)
Emile Rivollier beat Rudolph Binacchi (16)
Paul Marton beat Lucien Malezieux (19)
Alphonse Zwahlen beat Piroue (15)
= First catch show in Toulouse.
= It was a charity event for the relief fund of the municipal police and it was organized by the the deputy mayor of Toulouse Mr. Donnez, in association with the police.
= Piroue’s advertised opponent was Maixent. Fullaondo’s was Paul de Villiers.
February 15, 1937
Theatre des Nouveautes
"sold out"
Henri Deglane beat Manuel Fullaondo (23, 13)
Bonnie Muir drew Oscar Nygren (30)
Felix Clody beat Georges Freymond (25)
Maixent beat Alexandre Lageat (21)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
March 1, 1937
Theatre des Nouveautes
“packed house, though not as much as the previous card with Henri Deglane”
Dan Koloff beat Mark Passmann (23, 5)
Kola Kwariani beat Felix Kersic (30) - on points
Roger Mollet beat Marcel Nonest (19)
Felix Clody beat Rino Deon (29)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
March 15, 1937
Theatre des Nouveautes
Henri Deglane beat Joe Nawrocki (23, 13)
Mark Passmann beat Dimitar Karayaneff (14:49)
Emile Pouveroux beat Marcel Douvinet (21)
Albert Ben Chemoul beat Emile Rochez (30) - on points
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
May 2, 1937
Theatre des Nouveautes
French Heavyweight Title: Henri Deglane (c) beat Felix Miquet to retain his title (15, 14:30)
Manuel Fullaondo drew Mehmet Arif (30)
Alexandre Poizat beat Felix Clody (20:40)
Roger Beglot beat Emile Rochez (19:30)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
November 6, 1937
Halle aux Grains
“good house”
Al Pereira beat Mehmet Arif (23, 8)
European Middleweight Title: Alphonse Zwahlen (c) beat Lucien Malezieux to retain his title (24)
Karol Nowina drew Louis Loew (30)
Raymond Bukovac beat Felix Clody (23)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
December 4, 1937
Halle aux Grains
Dan Koloff beat Sandor Vary (26 Vary, 8, 5)
Mark Passmann beat Dick Perron (30) - on points
Mehmet Arif drew Arthur Ghevaert (30)
Alexandre Poizat beat Marcel Nonest (23)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
= At one point a part of the stands collapsed and several people were injured.
= Joe Nawrocki was the advertised opponent for Arif.
December 24, 1937
Halle aux Grains
"considerable success"
Charles Rigoulot beat Al Sparks (21, 8)
Sandor Vary beat Joe Campbell (19)
Louis Loew beat Dick Perron via disqualification (12)
Roger Mollet beat Robert Beglot (18)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos. Clement Valfort is the referee.
= Perron and his dirty tactics were heavily booed by the crowd.
February 4, 1938
Halle aux Grains
Joe Savoldi vs. Karol Nowina
Stan Karolyi vs. Emile Pouveroux
Bonnie Muir vs. Dick Perron
Felix Clody vs. Rene Van Coppenolle
March 4, 1938
"considerable attendance"
Henri Deglane beat Karol Nowina
Josef Vavra vs. Henry Stoeff
Lucien Malezieux vs. Bukovac
Otto Muller vs. Albert Arnaud
= Kola Kwariani was originally supposed to be Deglane's opponent and Nowina was to be Stoeff's but the card was changed.
= It's not clear which one of the four Bukovac brothers this was.
April 1, 1938
Ivar Martinson vs. Manuel Fullaondo
Stan Karolyi vs. Dick Perron
Alphonse Zwahlen vs. Bukovac
Felix Clody vs. Lucien Malezieux
= It's not clear which one of the four Bukovac brothers this was.
June 26, 1938
Ernest-Wallon Stadium
Henri Deglane beat Kola Kwariani (23 Deglane, 10, 05:10)
Stan Karolyi drew Emile Pouveroux (30)
Lucien Malezieux beat Bukovac (20)
Albert Arnaud beat Otto Muller (20:30)
December 2, 1938
Halle aux Grains
Charles Rigoulot vs. Rube Wright
February 3, 1939
Halle aux Grains
"record attendance"
Yvon Robert beat George Clark (30:30, Clark could not continue for a 2nd fall)
Mike Brendel beat Dick Perron (16:12)
Jean Bianconi beat Felix Clody
Alphonse Zwahlen drew Albert Arnaud (30)
March 3, 1939
Salle du Jardin Royal
Yvon Robert beat Milo Steinborn (23:53 Steinborn, 02:08, 15:16)
Felix Miquet drew Ivar Martinson (30)
Stan Karolyi beat Richard Bukovac
Albert Arnaud beat Sandor Nemeth (16:38)
March 4, 1939
Halle aux Grains
Ben Sherman beat Charles Ulsemer (12, 16)
Karol Nowina beat Pierlot (19:40, 10:11)
Roger Mollet beat Wirtz
Paul Marton beat Charf (10:40)
= Jean Bianconi vs. Georges Freymond was also advertised, but the results did not mention it.
April 1, 1939
Halle aux Grains
Charles Rigoulot beat Matros Kirilenko (24 Rigoulot, 07:15, 01:40)
European Light Heavyweight Title: Stan Karolyi © beat Emile Pouveroux to retain his title
Bonnie Muir drew Mike Brendel (30)
Raymond Bukovac beat Marcel Nonest (16:35) Phil
After U.S./catch style pro wrestling exploded in popularity in Paris in the 1930s eventually spot shows with the Paris wrestlers began taking place throughout France (and outside of France in countries like Belgium, Switzerland and even Spain at one point). Toulouse was one of those spot towns. Here's a list of all the Toulouse cards I've been able to find. It's possible there may have been others during this time period.
The headline match is listed first in the results. Where available, I've included quotes by the local press commenting on the attendance. With a few matches you'll notice that wrestlers won them on points - the rules of the pro matches in France were such that once a match went to a time limit draw without a winner it then could be decided via points.
February 22, 1934
Theatre des Nouveautes
"well-packed house"
Manuel Fullaondo beat Francois Berthod (16)
Stan Karolyi drew Emile Pouveroux (30)
Emile Rivollier beat Rudolph Binacchi (16)
Paul Marton beat Lucien Malezieux (19)
Alphonse Zwahlen beat Piroue (15)
= First catch show in Toulouse.
= It was a charity event for the relief fund of the municipal police and it was organized by the the deputy mayor of Toulouse Mr. Donnez, in association with the police.
= Piroue’s advertised opponent was Maixent. Fullaondo’s was Paul de Villiers.
February 15, 1937
Theatre des Nouveautes
"sold out"
Henri Deglane beat Manuel Fullaondo (23, 13)
Bonnie Muir drew Oscar Nygren (30)
Felix Clody beat Georges Freymond (25)
Maixent beat Alexandre Lageat (21)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
March 1, 1937
Theatre des Nouveautes
“packed house, though not as much as the previous card with Henri Deglane”
Dan Koloff beat Mark Passmann (23, 5)
Kola Kwariani beat Felix Kersic (30) - on points
Roger Mollet beat Marcel Nonest (19)
Felix Clody beat Rino Deon (29)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
March 15, 1937
Theatre des Nouveautes
Henri Deglane beat Joe Nawrocki (23, 13)
Mark Passmann beat Dimitar Karayaneff (14:49)
Emile Pouveroux beat Marcel Douvinet (21)
Albert Ben Chemoul beat Emile Rochez (30) - on points
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
May 2, 1937
Theatre des Nouveautes
French Heavyweight Title: Henri Deglane (c) beat Felix Miquet to retain his title (15, 14:30)
Manuel Fullaondo drew Mehmet Arif (30)
Alexandre Poizat beat Felix Clody (20:40)
Roger Beglot beat Emile Rochez (19:30)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
November 6, 1937
Halle aux Grains
“good house”
Al Pereira beat Mehmet Arif (23, 8)
European Middleweight Title: Alphonse Zwahlen (c) beat Lucien Malezieux to retain his title (24)
Karol Nowina drew Louis Loew (30)
Raymond Bukovac beat Felix Clody (23)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
December 4, 1937
Halle aux Grains
Dan Koloff beat Sandor Vary (26 Vary, 8, 5)
Mark Passmann beat Dick Perron (30) - on points
Mehmet Arif drew Arthur Ghevaert (30)
Alexandre Poizat beat Marcel Nonest (23)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos.
= At one point a part of the stands collapsed and several people were injured.
= Joe Nawrocki was the advertised opponent for Arif.
December 24, 1937
Halle aux Grains
"considerable success"
Charles Rigoulot beat Al Sparks (21, 8)
Sandor Vary beat Joe Campbell (19)
Louis Loew beat Dick Perron via disqualification (12)
Roger Mollet beat Robert Beglot (18)
= The promoter is Jean Ducos. Clement Valfort is the referee.
= Perron and his dirty tactics were heavily booed by the crowd.
February 4, 1938
Halle aux Grains
Joe Savoldi vs. Karol Nowina
Stan Karolyi vs. Emile Pouveroux
Bonnie Muir vs. Dick Perron
Felix Clody vs. Rene Van Coppenolle
March 4, 1938
"considerable attendance"
Henri Deglane beat Karol Nowina
Josef Vavra vs. Henry Stoeff
Lucien Malezieux vs. Bukovac
Otto Muller vs. Albert Arnaud
= Kola Kwariani was originally supposed to be Deglane's opponent and Nowina was to be Stoeff's but the card was changed.
= It's not clear which one of the four Bukovac brothers this was.
April 1, 1938
Ivar Martinson vs. Manuel Fullaondo
Stan Karolyi vs. Dick Perron
Alphonse Zwahlen vs. Bukovac
Felix Clody vs. Lucien Malezieux
= It's not clear which one of the four Bukovac brothers this was.
June 26, 1938
Ernest-Wallon Stadium
Henri Deglane beat Kola Kwariani (23 Deglane, 10, 05:10)
Stan Karolyi drew Emile Pouveroux (30)
Lucien Malezieux beat Bukovac (20)
Albert Arnaud beat Otto Muller (20:30)
December 2, 1938
Halle aux Grains
Charles Rigoulot vs. Rube Wright
February 3, 1939
Halle aux Grains
"record attendance"
Yvon Robert beat George Clark (30:30, Clark could not continue for a 2nd fall)
Mike Brendel beat Dick Perron (16:12)
Jean Bianconi beat Felix Clody
Alphonse Zwahlen drew Albert Arnaud (30)
March 3, 1939
Salle du Jardin Royal
Yvon Robert beat Milo Steinborn (23:53 Steinborn, 02:08, 15:16)
Felix Miquet drew Ivar Martinson (30)
Stan Karolyi beat Richard Bukovac
Albert Arnaud beat Sandor Nemeth (16:38)
March 4, 1939
Halle aux Grains
Ben Sherman beat Charles Ulsemer (12, 16)
Karol Nowina beat Pierlot (19:40, 10:11)
Roger Mollet beat Wirtz
Paul Marton beat Charf (10:40)
= Jean Bianconi vs. Georges Freymond was also advertised, but the results did not mention it.
April 1, 1939
Halle aux Grains
Charles Rigoulot beat Matros Kirilenko (24 Rigoulot, 07:15, 01:40)
European Light Heavyweight Title: Stan Karolyi © beat Emile Pouveroux to retain his title
Bonnie Muir drew Mike Brendel (30)
Raymond Bukovac beat Marcel Nonest (16:35) Phil
From the Serbian press. Regarding their November 20th 1933 match. "The Bulgarian Dan Koloff defeated the World champion Henri Deglane in front of 20,000 spectators in Paris."
The estimates from the French press actually range from 10,000 to 15,000, but still much like with the Londos/Kwariani match it's cool to see this covered in Serbia back then. This was Deglane's first and only loss during the first year of the new French promotion, which got started in September 1933. One French newspaper wrote that this match reminded them of the glory days of Paul Pons and wrestling in Paris, which is as high a praise as you could get back then in France.
The estimates from the French press actually range from 10,000 to 15,000, but still much like with the Londos/Kwariani match it's cool to see this covered in Serbia back then. This was Deglane's first and only loss during the first year of the new French promotion, which got started in September 1933. One French newspaper wrote that this match reminded them of the glory days of Paul Pons and wrestling in Paris, which is as high a praise as you could get back then in France.
À PARTIR DE LA PRESSE SERBE. En ce qui concerne leur novembre 20 1933 ème match. " le bulgare dan koloff vaincu le champion du monde Henri Deglane devant 20,000 spectateurs à Paris."
Les estimations de la presse française en fait s'échelonnent entre 10,000 et 15,000, mais toujours un peu comme avec les lóndos / kwariani match c'est cool de voir cette couverte en Serbie, à l'époque. C'était deglane est première et la seule perte au cours de la première année de la nouvelle promotion français, qui a commencé en septembre 1933., un journal français a écrit que ce match leur rappelait les jours de gloire de Paul Pons et le catch à Paris, qui est comme Haut une louange comme vous avez pu récupérer puis en France.
Les estimations de la presse française en fait s'échelonnent entre 10,000 et 15,000, mais toujours un peu comme avec les lóndos / kwariani match c'est cool de voir cette couverte en Serbie, à l'époque. C'était deglane est première et la seule perte au cours de la première année de la nouvelle promotion français, qui a commencé en septembre 1933., un journal français a écrit que ce match leur rappelait les jours de gloire de Paul Pons et le catch à Paris, qui est comme Haut une louange comme vous avez pu récupérer puis en France.
Phil Lions Deglane versus Koloff. November 20, 1933.

Henri Deglane's autobiography?
Back in 1937 the biggest Bulgarian sports newspaper published a series of 18 articles called "From the shepherd's crook - to the world ring. The autobiography of Henri Deglane, or the turbulent life and the career of a world champion".
It's kind of similar to the Paul Pons autobiography that I mentioned recently. It's basically a collection of memories and stories as told by Deglane himself. The mystery to me, however, is where was it originally published? I've been trying to figure this one out for a while, but sadly I've had no luck so far. Does anyone know? The Bulgarian paper does not mention the original source. My best guess would be that it was published as a series of articles in a French newspaper. I know this particular Bulgarian paper took a lot of their stuff from "L'Auto" so perhaps that was the original source? Sadly, "L'Auto" is not available online for me to check this theory. Also, while published in Bulgaria in 1937, the stories in the autobiography stop at around the end of 1934 so I would assume the whole thing was first published in either late 1934 or early 1935.
Anyway, I'm just curious as to the origin of this autobiography. That's all. I've mentioned bits and pieces of it before elsewhere, but I'm going through it again right now and collecting notes. Watch this space as I'll soon be posting the most interesting notes from it
The Balkan Lion" Dan Koloff's most regular opponents.
I'm finally starting to put together my Dan Koloff match database, i.e. I'm going through my 100+ pages of notes on his career, taking all the match results and compiling a database just with those results. I literally just started doing this today so this is still in a very early stage, but according to my preliminary estimate these were the... guys Koloff faced the most times during his 21-year in-ring career in pro wrestling:
= 16 matches - Jim Londos
= 15 matches - Gus Sonnenberg
= 12 matches - Henri Deglane
= 10 matches - Joe Stecher, Wladek Zbyszko and Renato Gardini
= 8 matches - Ed Lewis, Ed Don George and Frank Judson
= 6 matches - Ad Santel and Jack Taylor
= 5 matches - Joe Malcewicz, Rudy Dusek, Marin Plestina, Hans Steinke, Nick Daviscourt and Stanley Stasiak
Not that's a pretty damn good list of regular opponents, if I can say so myself.
P.S. This is all based on my Koloff records. My records are by no means complete, nor can they ever
"le lion des Balkans" Dan koloff est plus régulier des opposants.
Je commence enfin à assembler mon dan koloff correspondent à base de données, c'est-à-dire que je suis en train de fouiller mes 100 + pages de notes sur sa carrière, en prenant tout le match et la compilation des résultats d'une base de données juste avec ces résultats. J'ai juste commencé à faire ça aujourd'hui, donc c'est encore à un stade très précoce, mais selon mon estimation préliminaire ce sont les gars koloff affronté les la plupart du temps, au cours de ses
Je commence enfin à assembler mon dan koloff correspondent à base de données, c'est-à-dire que je suis en train de fouiller mes 100 + pages de notes sur sa carrière, en prenant tout le match et la compilation des résultats d'une base de données juste avec ces résultats. J'ai juste commencé à faire ça aujourd'hui, donc c'est encore à un stade très précoce, mais selon mon estimation préliminaire ce sont les gars koloff affronté les la plupart du temps, au cours de ses
Phil Lions
Came across this Bulgarian article today. It talks about a Peter Ferestanoff vs. Ali ben Abdu match at a stadium in Bucharest, Romania, reportedly being attended by 15,000 fans. Ferestanoff supposedly won in 38 minutes. The article is from July 24th 1936, but it doesn't mention exactly when the match took place (perhaps a day, two or three before?). It also states Ferestanoff has been in Bucharest for about a month.
This particular newspaper doesn't have the best of track records when it comes to wrestling reporting so I'm not sure how correct this is, but it's interesting to note nonetheless. Also, for what it's worth, a few months later when ben Abdu came to wrestle in Bulgaria the papers reported that he had drawn twice with Ferestanoff in Bucharest so they definitely wrestled there a number of times.
This particular newspaper doesn't have the best of track records when it comes to wrestling reporting so I'm not sure how correct this is, but it's interesting to note nonetheless. Also, for what it's worth, a few months later when ben Abdu came to wrestle in Bulgaria the papers reported that he had drawn twice with Ferestanoff in Bucharest so they definitely wrestled there a number of times.
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