30 PIGES de LUTTE '' PRO ''

dimanche 12 avril 2015

Georges K I D D............lutte Professionnelle Anglaise 1960






George Kidd, wrestler and broadcaster; born 1925, died January 5, 1998
George Kidd, Scotland's wrestling legend whose devotion to yoga was one of the factors which allowed him to reign as a world champion,
Known as ''the Houdini of the mat'' because of his ability to escape from even the most complex holds, Kidd reigned supreme for 26 consecutive years as lightweight wrestling champion of the world. Successfully defending his title no fewer than 49 times, Kidd's unparalleled achievements in the grappling game only ended when he resigned his championship and retired from the sport in 1976. Believing that over-exposure would turn the sport he loved into a pantomime, he rarely wrestled on television. Yet, during the fifties and sixties, when wrestling took on new life as one of the nation's favourite spectator sports, his unique style and apparent invincibility secured him recognition as a sportsman of national and international renown. His laugh-a-minute role as presenter of Wednesday People and The George Kidd Show also made him a household name in Scottish broadcasting, and viewers voted him Grampian Television Personality of the Year in 1965. Juggling his TV commitments with his on-going programme of wrestling bouts, Kidd publicly shared banter with many of the celebrities of the day, including Frankie Vaughan, Dickie Henderson, and Lance Percival. But for all his good humour on screen, Kidd's performance in the ring was driven by a killer instinct and ruthless competitive spirit. His wrestling career began in the late 1940s after he left the Royal Navy's fleet air arm, and his rise to the top was nothing less than meteoric. In four successive years from 1947 he snatched first the Scottish, then the British, European, and World lightweight championship titles. In the course of more than 1000 bouts, Kidd out-wrestled some of the sport's greatest stars, including Mick McManus, Alan Colebeck, Adrian Street, Jon Cortez, Jackie Pallo, Eddie Cappelli, Al Miquet, Zoltan Boschic, and Ken Joyce. He was only defeated on a handful of occasions, and frustrated opponents maintained that the unstoppable champion must have been double-jointed. But in truth, his phenomenal success stemmed from a lifelong dedication to the eastern discipline of hatha yoga. Where other wrestlers concentrated solely on developing muscle bulk, Kidd, a slight 5ft 6in, preferred to augment his training regime of running and weights with yogic muscle-stretching exercises. As well as developing his characteristic suppleness, Kidd claimed that yoga's meditative element focused his mind, and grapple fans across the world bore witness to the calculated and scientific manner in which Kidd disposed of his opponents. Using their own weight as a tool against them, Kidd, fighting at 10st 10lbs, could easily fell challengers even five stone heavier than himself. His unique interpretation of the Graeco-Roman style, fav-oured in the rings of continental Europe, inspired many imitators and produced some of the finest lightweight wrestling the world has ever seen. His concentration between the ropes allowed him to out-smart his opponents as well as out-wrestle them, and his belief in the integrity of his sport meant that he rejected the gimmicks favoured by other high-profile wrestlers. He was a consummate showman who allowed the quality of his wrestling to speak for itself. Born and bred in Dundee, Kidd's talents were quickly recognised, and even during his school days he was known as ''the Wee Wrestler''. He left an apprenticeship as a joiner to enlist in the Royal Navy as a mechanic during the Second World War. After his retirement from wrestling in the mid-1970s, Kidd owned a series of pubs in the city of his birth. But after the death of his beloved wife, Hester, he chose to live in relative solitude in Dundee's Broughty Ferry suburb.

Jackie Mccann    Merci  à  Jackie   Mccann


George Kidd, lutteur et radiodiffuseur ; né 1925, légende de la lutte du 5 janvier 1998 George Kidd, Ecosse dont le dévouement au yoga a été l'un des facteurs qui lui a permis de régner comme un champion du monde, connu comme '' l'Houdini du mat' ' en raison de sa capacité à fuir même les plus complexes est titulaire, Kidd régné pendant 26 années consécutives comme champion de la lutte léger du monde. Avoir défendu avec succès son titre de pas moins de 49 fois, les enfants des réalisations sans pareil dans le jeu de grappling seulement se termina quand il démissionne de son titre de champion et se retire de ce sport en 1976. Estimant qu'une surexposition se transformerait le sport qu'il aimait dans une pantomime, rarement, il catche à la télévision. Pourtant, durant les années cinquante et soixante, lorsque la lutte a pris vie nouvelle parmi les sports-spectacles préférés des Nations Unies, son style unique et l'apparente invincibilité lui assura reconnaissance comme un sportif de renommée nationale et internationale. Son rôle de rire-a-minute en tant que présentateur de mercredi personnes et The George Kidd Show également fait de lui un nom familier en radiodiffusion écossaise, et téléspectateurs lui voté Grampian personnalité de la télévision de l'année en 1965. Jongler avec ses engagements de TV avec son programme continu de combats de lutte, Kidd publiquement partagé des plaisanteries avec beaucoup des célébrités de l'époque, notamment Frankie Vaughan, Dickie Henderson et Lance Percival. Mais pour sa bonne humeur à l'écran, performances des enfants dans l'anneau a été entraîné par un instinct de tueur et esprit de compétition sans pitié. Sa carrière a commencé dans les années 1940, après il a quitté les bras de flotte aérienne de la Royal Navy, et son ascension jusqu'au sommet a été rien moins fulgurante. En quatre années successives de 1947 il arraché tout d'abord les titres de championnat léger écossais, puis le Britannique, européenne et mondiale. Au cours de plus de 1000 épisodes, Kidd a out-catché certaines des plus grandes stars du sport, dont Mick McManus, Alan Colebeck, Adrian Street, Jon Cortez, Jackie Pallo, Eddie Capelli, Al Miquet, Zoltan Boschic et Ken Joyce. Il est seulement battu sur une poignée d'occasions, et opposants frustrés a maintenu que le champion imparable a dû être désarticuler. Mais en vérité, son succès phénoménal découlait d'un dévouement continu à la discipline orientale du hatha yoga. Où les autres lutteurs concentrent dans le développement de la masse musculaire, Kidd, une légère 5 pi 6 po, a préféré augmenter son régime d'entraînement de course et de poids avec des exercices d'Yoga étirement musculaire. Ainsi que de développer sa souplesse caractéristique, Kidd ont allégué qu'élément méditatif d'yoga concentre son esprit, grappin de fans à travers le monde témoignent de la manière calculée et scientifique auquel Kidd détruit ses adversaires. À l'aide de leur propre poids comme un outil à leur encontre, Kidd, combats au dixième 10LBS, pourrait facilement se sentir challengers même plus lourds que lui de cinq pierres. Son interprétation unique du style gréco-romain, favori-enfarinée dans les anneaux du continent européen, inspiré des nombreux imitateurs et produit certaines du plus beaux catch léger que le monde ait jamais vu. Sa concentration entre les cordes lui permit d'out-smart ses adversaires comme out-wrestle eux, et sa foi dans l'intégrité de son sport signifiait qu'il rejette les gadgets favorisées par les autres lutteurs de haut niveau. Il était un showman accompli qui a permis à la qualité de sa lutte de parler pour lui-même. Né et a grandi à Dundee, talents d'enfants ont été rapidement reconnus, et même pendant ses jours d'école, il était connu comme '"le lutteur Wwe' '. Il a quitté son apprentissage comme un menuisier pour s'enrôler dans la Marine royale comme mécanicien durant la seconde guerre mondiale. Après sa retraite du catch dans les années 1970, enfant appartenant à une série de pubs dans la ville de sa naissance. Mais après la mort de son épouse bien-aimée, Hester, il choisit de vivre dans la solitude relative dans la banlieue de Broughty Ferry de Dundee.


    Une  excellente  occasion  de  rappeler  que  Georges  KIDD  était  un  lutteur  à  la  technique
    trés  inventive  ,  et  qu ' il  a  laissé  à  ceux  qui  l ' on  connu  ou  rencontré  entre  12  cordes   le souvenir  d ' un  garçon  trés  cool  et  fair-play  .  Qualités  majeures  de  nos  amis  Anglais  .

 Réunion  de  lutteurs  Français  et  Anglais  à  Londres
 Diplomes  rappelant  de  superbes  carrières
des  deux  cotés  de  la  Manche  .


Comme  chaque  année  ,  nos  amis  Anglais 
rapellent  que  les
lutteurs  Français  sont  les  bienvenus   à  leur  réunion  annuelle  .
Il  suffit  de  prévenir  .

Joe D'Orazio, Wayne Bridges, Sarah Bridges, Frank Rimer, Johnny Kincaid, Colin Joynson, Ken Sowden & Bobby Stafford


Tout  comme  ALPRA
les  Anglais  gardent  le  contact....... 

et  l ' humour


Bob  Plantin    and   Bruno   Asquini




Merci  Ronald


Kidd   ''    Aledo
Lutte  professionnelle  de  haut  niveau



ouvre  sa  malle  aux  souvenirs



Cappeli   and   Kid

 Kidd   et  Jon  Cortez


Ken  Joyce    '''     Mike  Eagers


Chauveau  contre  Kidd


Pat  Curry

November 1952
Three were seriously wounded when a man opened fire on them with a revolver in a Toulouse night club last nght. Tommy Mann, Manchester wrestler, was hit in the back. Pat Curry of Montreal, in the groin, and Jacques Degohm in the shoulder.
Novembre 1952
Trois ont été grièvement blessés lorsqu'un homme a ouvert le feu sur eux avec un revolver dans un night-Club de Toulouse dernière nuit. Tommy Mann, Manchester Catcheur, a été frappé dans le dos. Pat Curry de Montréal, dans l'aine, et Jacques Degohm à l'épaule


Zoltan  Bocik    ''    Jim   Breaks


Derby Telagraph
ERNIE Riley was the light heavyweight champion of Great Britain and an arrogant performer.
On more than one occasion he would argue with ringsiders. He annoyed one of them so much that the man jumped into the ring after the bout and said, "You're useless. I could beat you, just give me a chance".
After lots of pushing and shoving, the promoter agreed to a three-round challenge contest in four weeks' time. The lad looked as though he could handle himself, so we knew to get a ticket early.
The excitement built that night and the spectator had some early success but then Ernie took him apart. The crowd started shouting for the fight to be stopped and it was.
Two brothers, Seamus and Mike Donlevy, appeared on a regular basis. Seamus always fought first, followed by his younger brother. Seamus was a big lad and the Irish in the crowd were very vocal. He usually won.
Mike, who wasn't that big, would come on next and often get a good hiding. The Irish spectators would start to shout for Seamus, who was getting changed after his bout. He would "hear" them and come running out and go into his brother's corner. The bout would then usually turn in Mike's favour.
Genuine grudge matches cropped up and I can recall several bouts between wrestlers called Keith Martinelli and Barry Cannon. They went hell for leather every round. They probably appeared every six weeks with Martinelli winning the first and Cannon winning the second.
After four of these bouts, it went to a winner-takes-all fight. The crowd loved it. The cynics used to tell us that the pair of them went to the Dolphin for a drink after.
I know several of the wrestlers did but we stuck to the belief that this pair didn't really like each other.
A wrestler from the US named Tim Goehagen toured most years and his winning hold was "the sleeper". He used to place himself behind his opponent and put his forearm across his windpipe and apply just enough pressure to make him pass out.
He would then lay him on the floor where he was counted out and then brought round. Before his bouts, he used to invite people from the crowd to come into the ring to be "put to sleep" with his hold. Unbelievably, they used to queue up and he would have six of them unconscious in the ring. I'm sure rules would prevent it happening now.
A ladies' favourite was Spencer Churchill, the body beautiful. He wasn't the best wrestler but what a body!
Leon Arras, who later appeared in many films including Kes, using his real name of Brian Glover, was a comedian in the ring who always finished the contest by getting a submission with his legs round his opponent's body, squeezing the breath out of them while shouting, "These are the strongest legs in Yorkshire".
We all had favourites. Mine and my brother Ian's was a young lad called Bill Kenton, who went to America and was heavyweight champion of the world for a while. He changed his name to Bill Robinson.
Monty Swan was another. He always had a smile on his face. Stars off the television also came – Les Kellet, Steve Logan, Masambula the African witchdoctor, Johnny Kwango, Mick McManus, Jackie Pallo and many more.
Wonderful entertainment, good times and fun memories.
Derby telagraph

Ernie Riley était l'ex-Champion de grande-Bretagne et d'interprète un arrogant.

Sur plus d'une occasion lui se disputeraient avec ringsiders. Il agacé l'un d'eux tant que l'homme a sauté dans le ring après la rencontre et a dit, " tu es inutile. Je pourrais te battre, donne-moi juste une chance ".

Après beaucoup de pousser, le promoteur a accepté un trois-Round Challenge Contest dans quatre semaines. Le garçon aurait dit qu'il pouvait se défendre, donc on savait pour obtenir un billet plus tôt.

L' excitation construit cette nuit-là et le spectateur avait certains des premiers succès mais alors ernie lui a pris à part. La foule a commencé à crier pour le combat d'être arrêtée et c'était.

Deux frères, seamus et Mike Donlevy, sont apparus sur une base régulière. Seamus toujours battu en premier, suivie de son petit frère. Seamus était un grand garçon et les irlandais dans la foule se faisaient entendre. D' habitude, il a gagné.

Mike, qui n'était pas si grand, viendrait sur next et souvent obtenir un bon cache. Les Irlandais, les spectateurs se sont mis à crier pour seamus, qui était en train de se changer après son combat. Il aurait "entendu" eux et sortent en courant et aller dans son frère s corner. Le combat serait alors habituellement tourner dans mike est favorable.

Véritable rancune allumettes apparu et je me souviens de plusieurs épisodes entre catcheurs appelé Keith Martinelli et Barry Cannon. Ils sont allés l'enfer pour le cuir chaque round. Ils ont probablement apparu toutes les six semaines avec martinelli qui a remporté la première et la deuxième canon gagnant.

Après quatre de ces périodes, il est allé à un gagnant pour se battre. La foule a adoré. Les cyniques utilisé pour nous dire que la paire d'entre eux sont allés au le dauphin pour boire un verre après.

Je sais que plusieurs des catcheurs n'a mais on a collé à la conviction que cette paire n'aime pas trop les uns les autres.

Un catcheur de l'us nommé Tim Goehagen a visité la plupart des années et sa gagner tenir était "le dormeur". Il avait l'habitude de se place derrière son adversaire et mettre son avant-bras à travers sa trachée et appliquer juste assez de pression pour lui faire évanouir.

Il serait alors l'allonger sur le sol, où il a été compté dehors et ensuite amené round. Avant sa les épisodes, il avait l'habitude d'inviter des gens de la foule à venir sur le ring pour être "mis en sommeil" avec sa cale. Incroyablement, ils avaient l'habitude de faire la queue et il aurait six d'entre eux inconscient dans le ring. Je suis sûr que les règles empêcherait que cela arrive maintenant.

Un ladies'préférée était Spencer Churchill, le corps magnifique. Il n'était pas le meilleur lutteur mais quel corps !

Leon Arras, qui plus tard est apparu dans de nombreux films dont kes, en utilisant son vrai nom de Brian Glover, était un humoriste dans le ring qui toujours fini le concours en obtenant une présentation avec ses jambes autour de son corps, de l'adversaire en serrant le souffle d'entre eux Tout en criant, "ce sont les plus forts les jambes dans le yorkshire".

Nous avons tous eu préférés. A moi et à mon frère ian est était un jeune homme appelé Bill Kenton, qui est allé en Amérique et a été champion du monde pour un moment. Il a changé son nom à Bill Robinson.

Monty Swan a été une autre. Il avait toujours un sourire sur son visage. Les étoiles au large de la télévision sont entréées-les kellet, Steve Logan, le sorcier africain masambula, Johnny Kwango, Mick Mcmanus, Jackie Pallo et beaucoup plus.

Merveilleux, de bons moments de divertissement et de plaisir les souvenirs.


Bobby Gaetano, Joni el Corso, Tony St, Clair, Wolfgang Saturski, John Quinn, Nicolei Selenkowitch, Ivan Strogoff, Billy Samson

Brian  Maxime    '''    Capelli


This is a photo of Len Ironside and Bradley Craig, with The Lord Provost of Dundee Bob Duncan and Susan Gillan, manager of the Caird Hall. The honour took place outside the Caird Hall, George's home venue, in the city of Dundee, This marks the induction of George Kidd into The Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame for Scotland, Also the Hall has been officially formed as a company with George Kidd being the first inductee of this award, which has been established on the sixtieth anniversary of the launch of televised wrestling in the UK, and due to the resurgence of its popularity in Scotland. I am delighted that it is receiving national television and press coverage. Well done lads
C' est une photo de Len Ironside et Bradley Craig, avec le Seigneur Provost de Dundee Bob Duncan et Susan Gillan, gestionnaire du caird hall. L' honneur a eu lieu à l'extérieur de la salle caird, George ' s home lieu, dans la ville de Dundee, ceci marque l'induction de George Kidd dans la lutte professionnelle hall of fame pour l'Écosse, également le hall a été officiellement formé en tant qu'entreprise avec George Kidd Étant la première recrue de ce prix, qui a été établi sur la soixantième anniversaire du lancement de télédiffusées wrestling au Royaume-Uni, et en raison de la recrudescence de sa popularité en Écosse. Je suis ravi qu'elle reçoit de la télévision nationale et la presse. Bien joué les gars


Johnny  Kwango


Tony  Costas


March 1966: Wrestling coach, referee and Morley publican Ernest Baldwin training some of young charges. Maybe Paul Luty, Gordon smith ?


alan michel


Charly  Green   et   Tony  Baer












Photos  prisent  par






Ken  Joyce



Julien  Morice


 where is this from? I can see (i hope so) Ahmet Chong, Jean Pierre Auvert, Peter William, Bellomo, Wolfgang Saturski, Vladimir, Don Goya....



1955 belle vue
Février 26 --" King Kong " Taverne (Singapour) / Bill Benny (Londres)
Ivan Martinson' (le seul homme à battre bert assirati trois fois) / Vic Hessle (Bolton)
Les agriculteurs boy (dewsbury) / Billy Joyce (Wigan)
Panthère Noire (British West Indies) / Jack Keegan (Rochdale)
Mars 5 -" King Kong " Taverne (Singapour) / Charlie Scott (Londres)
Maurice Chapiuzat (France) / George Gregory (Bolton)
Ivan Martinson' (France) / Alf Robinson (Manchester)
Jack Beaumont (Wigan) / Johnny Morgan (nouvelle-Zélande)
Mars 12 --- Rene Florente (Cognac, France) / Bill Benny (Londres)
Les agriculteurs boy (dewsbury) / Chick Elliott (Manchester)
Baptiste Benoy (Belgique) / Billy Joyce (Wigan)
Eddie Saxon (Londres) / Sonny Wallis (Londres)
Mars 19 --- Karel Istaz (Belgique) / Bill Coverdale (Manchester)
Roberto Roberty (Italie) v Emil Foy (Bolton)
Charlie Scott (Londres) / Milo Popopopocopolis (Grèce)
Tony Baer (Glasgow) / Vic Stewart (salford)
Mars 26 --- Franz Von Heymbeeck (Allemagne) / Bill Benny (Londres)
Nic Van Dyck (Liège, Belgique) / Vic Hesselle (Bolton)
Baptiste Benoy (Belgique) / Billy Joyce (Wigan)
Jack Beaumont (Wigan) / Jack Keegan (Rochdale)
Avril 2 --- "King Kong" Taverne (Singapour) / Vic Hesselle (Bolton)
Dans Brouwers (Belgique) et les agriculteurs boy (dewsbury)
Giles Wacklis (Paris) / Vic Stewart (salford)
Stan Furness (Manchester) / Ernest Smith (Wigan)
Avril 8 --- Karel Istaz (Belgique) / George Gregory (Bolton)
Roberto Roberty (Italie) v Gwyn Davies (pays de Galles)
Baptiste Benoy (Belgique) / Milo Popopopocopolis (Grèce)
Jack Beaumont (Wigan) / John Foley (Leigh)
Avril 9 --- Karel Istaz (Belgique) / Charlie Scott (Londres)
Bill Benny (Londres) v Alf Robinson (Manchester)
Roberto Roberty (Italie) / Billy Joyce (Wigan)
Baptiste Benoy (Belgique) / Emil Foy (Bolton)
Avril 11-Karel Istaz (Belgique) / Chick Knight (Londres)
Roberto Roberty (Italie) / Vic Hesselle (Bolton)
Baptiste Benoy (Belgique) / Gwyn Davies (pays de Galles)
Chick Elliot (Manchester) / Ken Davies (Port Talbot)
Avril 15-Franz Von Heymbeeck (Allemagne) / Vic Hesselle (Bolton)
Nic Van Dyck (Liège, Belgique) / agriculteurs boy (dewsbury)
Bill Benny (Londres) / Bill Coverdale (Manchester)
Sonny Wallis (Londres) / Jack Beaumont (Wigan)
Avril 23-Franz Von Heymbeeck (Allemagne) / Charlie Scott (Londres)
Galliano Gasparrini (Italie) / Milo Popopopocopolis (Grèce)
Dans Brouwers (Belgique) / Gwyn Davies (pays de Galles)
Billy Joyce (Wigan) / Vic Stewart (salford)
Avril 30-Vic Hesselle (Bolton) / Bill Coverdale (Manchester)
Bill Benny (Londres) / Ken Davies (Port Talbot)
Chick Elliot (Manchester) / Chick Knight (Londres)
Johnny Morgan (nouvelle-Zélande) v Emil Foy (Bolton)
Mai 7 --- Joe Cornelius (Anglo-Italien) v Charlie Scott (Londres)
Baptiste Benoy (Belgique) / Vic Hesselle (Bolton)
Galliano Gasparrini (Italie) / Jack Beaumont (Wigan)
Angelo Papino (Italie) / Billy Joyce (Wigan)
Mai 14 -- Franz Von Heymbeeck (Allemagne) / Bill Benny (Londres)
Bill Coverdale (Manchester) / agriculteurs boy (dewsbury)
Roberto Roberty (Italie) / Milo Popopopocopolis (Grèce)
John Foley (Leigh) / Melvin Riss (Irlande)
21 mai-Galliano Gasparrini (Italie) / Jack Beaumont (Wigan)
Joe Cornelius (Anglo-Italien) / Vic Hesselle (Bolton)
Charlie Scott (Londres) / Chick Elliot (Manchester)
Billy Joyce (Wigan) / Gwyn Davies (pays de Galles)
Mai 28-Franz Von Heymbeeck (Allemagne) / Chick Knight (Londres)
Bill Benny (Londres) / George Gregory (Bolton)
Alf Robinson (Manchester) / Bill Coverdale (Manchester)
Jimmy Hart (Leigh) / Ernie Smith (Wigan)
Mai 30-Vic Hesselle (Bolton) / Bill Benny (Londres)
Franz Von Heymbeeck (Allemagne) / Ken Davies (Port Talbot)
Joe Cornelius (Anglo-Italien) / Billy Joyce (Wigan)
Neil Mcbride (Aberdeen) / Jack Kegan (Rochdale)


René  Ben  Chemoul  ,  Lou  Marsallon  et   Alan  Michel
au  stade   de  Liverpool 

Joé  Mckanzie   and  Tom  Magee



émile  Poilvé


Kidd   ___   Jon

Warnia  de  Zarzeski

Da Silva est venu par Honolulu en 1960-1961, juste avant Ed Francis acheté la promotion d'Al Karasick. Il était un grand gars!



George Kidd vs Modesto Aledo
Royal Albert Hall Tournament
May 22, 1963

Jackie Pallo hits the floor
Royal Albert Hall Tournament
May 22, 1963


                                         Mick Sullivan, With some of the all time GREATS.

                                Mick Sullivan, avec certains des plus grands de tous les temps.


 Steve and Dave Taylor show in the photo, Steve has being poorly and in hospital recently, hoping he is on the road to full recovery, life long friendship of the two family's Taylor and Mitchell ..
Steve et Dave Taylor voir sur la photo, Steve a été mal et à l'hôpital récemment, en espérant qu'il est sur la voie de la guérison complète, la vie longue amitié des deux famille est Taylor Et Mitchell..


Mac  Manus  contre  Julien  Maurice



Mr Smiths in Manchester around 1965. Jackie Pallo: Elsie Relwyskow: Mr & Mrs Eddie Rose and friends




George Kidd (1925 - January 5, 1998) in Hill Street, Dundee, was a Scottish Wrestler and was widely regarded as the finest technical worker in the Post-War era.
In his Youth he trained in Boxing and Ju Jitsu while also devoting himself to physical education, fitness training, weightlifting, stretching and Yoga. As a Young Man in 1943 he enlisted in the Royal Navy and served in that service until ...he was demobbed in 1946. It was while he was in the Royal Navy that he would begin wrestling and once he had been released from his duties there he vowed to become a professional Wrestler.
At 5 foot and 6 inches and weighting 9 1/2 stone he was thought too small to be a professional wrestler and many didn't take him seriously. Nevertheless he pursued his desire to get involved in wrestling and was given his chance by promoter George de Relwsykow in Caird Hall, Dundee. In 1947 he took part, and emerged victorious, in a Tournament in Edinburgh for the Scottish Lightweight Title, defeating Tony Lawrence. To that date he had fought in 60 matches and only lost 10.
Later in 1947 he travelled to Bradford where he met ex-Olympic wrestler Norman Morrell. Morrell had competed in the 1936 Berlin Olympics and the ex-Olympian initially thought poorly of Kidd. He ridiculed Kidd for being too short and in response found himself challenged to a match, which he accepted. Within minutes Kidd was locked into an armlock he had never seen before and as he tried to break free and Morrell tried to get him to give up the pressure on the hold increased until his arm was broken. Morrell apologized for it but was impressed with Kidd's determination and offered to train him and be his coach.
While under Morrell's tutaledge Kidd would also find himself playing Student to then British Lightweight Champion Joe Reid. During a brutal training bout Kidd locked on a figure four leg hold on Reid and the two found themselves at an impasse. Reid would not submit and Kidd would not break the hold. The inevitable happened and Kidd unintentionally broke the Champions leg. Reid recovered but would lose the title
After defeating Jack Dempsey in a grueling 11 rounds for the British Lightweight Title in 1948, Kidd went on to defeat all comers in the 1949 Tournament in Paris to crown a European Lightweight Champion. With a Scottish, British and European Lightweight Title under his belt Kidd now set his sights on the World Title.
The man recognized as the World Lightweight Champion at the time was Mexican Rudi Quarez. After much negotiation between the parties a match was arranged between the two, to be held in Dundee in 1950. In an epic contest of 10 rounds Kidd came out on top and was almost World Champion. Almost because his victory was not recognized by the AWA. The AWA had its own preferred Champion - Rene Ben Chemoul - and did not recognize Kidd's win as legitimate for that reason. Though he could have ignored them Kidd wanted to make sure that no doubt remained over his legitimacy and a fight was arranged between Kidd and Chemoul, once again in Dundee.
Kidd would admit that Chemoul's style was impressive but dismissed it as repetitive and predictable. Chemoul was, according to Kidd, a routine wrestler who used only a specific set of moves and could not adapt. Within a few rounds Kidd knew what Chemoul was going to do and with the match squared at one fall apiece Kidd made use of this knowledge to gain the second and final pinfall and succor his reign as World Champion.
For the next 20 years Kidd was the dominant force on the World Lightweight scene and successfully retained his title in 49 defenses. Amongst the challengers for his title were "Exotic" Adrian Street, Jim Breaks and Steve Logan. His successful title defense in the March 2, 1976 match against Steve Logan heralded his retirement from professional wrestling and he left the ring the undefeated, undisputed Ligthweight Champion of the World.
In between this he was called on to wrestle by Royal Appointment. In 1963 the Duke of Edinburgh expressed a desire to see some wrestling and there was little doubt as to who one of those men he saw would be. The World Champion gave a command performance on May 22, 1963 in the Royal Albert Hall.
In 1965 he was named Grampian TV Personality of the Year and was made Dundee "First Citizen" when he was honored by Dundee District Council. In his retirement he encouraged the development of youth in wrestling. He died peacefully on January 5, 1998






Formidable  lutteur....Belge



L’image contient peut-être : une personne ou plus


LUTTEURS  FRANCAIS  à  l ' affiche 

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